- Learning for Life -

I welcome all of our existing families, students and friends of the school as well as those thinking of enrolling, to our website.
Our web pages are continuing to be developed but we hope that you are able to learn more about Leabank Primary School, who our staff are, what happens at our school and what events are coming up. Leabank Primary Schools motto is “Learning For Life” which for us captures the essence of the academic, physical, social and emotional nature of the education that children need to prepare them for the future. We have attractive grounds and enjoy a wealth of teaching resources, which include a hall, large library, ICT suite, swimming pool and two adventure playgrounds.
The school has dynamic teachers and experienced support staff who provide rich learning experiences for the children. The “Events Calendar” will enable you to keep up with coming events, the latest newsletter is available on the website and the “Our People” pages will enable you to catch up with teachers and see what their classes are doing. Thank you for visiting our website. I look forward to working with you all through your association with Leabank Primary School.
Rex Maddren
Leabank Primary School aims to develop in children the confidence, character and capabilities to be successful in life and to be actively involved as lifelong learners
Our Caring
Teachers are effective when they deeply care about the learning of each student. “Caring is the very bedrock of all successful education.” Teachers who believe in their students’ abilities demonstrate that they care by placing the learners at the center of the educational process. With this focus on caring foremost, teachers engage students actively in the learning process. This engagement is essential for learning to be fun, meaningful, and enduring. The caring teacher continually reflects on and refines his or her instructional approaches to ensure that the needs of each student are met.

Mrs Robertson
CRT Teacher

Mrs Kung
CRT Teacher